Donation Directory

Do you have items you think might be recyclable but don’t know where they can go? This directory lists businesses and organizations operating in Maryland who take all sorts of items your business or household no longer wants. The businesses listed have provided their information to and we make no representation as to the quality or nature of services provided. Please check with the company directly to confirm their information before delivering materials to them.

This directory was last updated on 8-2-2023 (last major revision to this directory was completed on 6-30-2023).

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NAME & ADDRESS Product Materials
Flashmail Box & Ship
822 Guilford Ave
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-783-1555
Fax: 410-783-1556
Trex Company, Inc.
160 Exeter Drive
Winchester, VA 22603
Phone: (540) 542-6300
Fax: (540) 542-6371
Contact: Stephanie Hicks
Polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE & LLDPE) film, stretch film, pallet wrap, mattress bags, furniture wrap, grocery bags, retail mix, electronic bags, case overwrap, dry cleaning bags, newspaper bags, bubble wrap, bread bags, ice bags, pellet bags, zipper bags, produce bags, salt bags & cereal bags. Trex will not accept PVC or PVCD, hazardous materials or food contaminated. They expect good faith effort to eliminate all forms of excess contamination such as trash, loose paper, bottles & cans from material accepted.