Donation Directory

Do you have items you think might be recyclable but don’t know where they can go? This directory lists businesses and organizations operating in Maryland who take all sorts of items your business or household no longer wants. The businesses listed have provided their information to and we make no representation as to the quality or nature of services provided. Please check with the company directly to confirm their information before delivering materials to them.

This directory was last updated on 8-2-2023 (last major revision to this directory was completed on 6-30-2023).

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NAME & ADDRESS Product Materials
Honeygo Run Reclamation Company
10710 Philadelphia Road
Perry Hall, MD 21128
Phone: (410) 335-9500
Contact: Monte Kamp
Recycling: Concrete, Asphalt, Clearing Debris. Disposal: Demolition Debris, Construction Debris, Land clearing Debris, Earth.
L & J Waste Recycling LLC
222 N. Calverton Road
Baltimore, MD 21223
Phone: (410) 365-1772
Fax: (410) 566-2344
Contact: Lenzie Johnson III
Aggregate products, dirt, wood, drywall, carpeting, metal, concree, scrap tires, cardboard.
Soil Safe, Inc.
6700 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 300
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: (410) 872-3990
Fax: (410) 872-9082
Petroleum Contaminated Soil, Glass